Module cstag.to_vcf

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from __future__ import annotations

import re
from itertools import chain
from collections import deque, defaultdict, Counter

from dataclasses import dataclass

from cstag.split import split
from cstag.consensus import normalize_read_lengths
from cstag.utils.validator import validate_cs_tag, validate_long_format, validate_pos

class CsInfo:
    cs_tag: str
    pos_start: int
    pos_end: int
    chrom: str | None = None

class VcfInfo:
    dp: int | None = None
    rd: int | None = None
    ad: int | None = None
    vaf: float | None = None

class Vcf:
    chrom: str | None = None
    pos: int | None = None
    ref: str | None = None
    alt: str | None = None
    info: VcfInfo = VcfInfo()

def remove_spaces_around_newlines(text: str) -> str:
    return re.sub(r"\s*\n\s*", "\n", text)

# Get variant annotations

def find_ref_for_insertion(cs_tag_split: list[str], idx: int) -> str | None:
    idx_ref = idx - 1
    while idx_ref >= 0:
        cs = cs_tag_split[idx_ref]
        if cs[0] in ["=", "-"]:
            return cs[-1].upper()
        if cs.startswith("*"):
            return cs[1].upper()
        idx_ref -= 1
    return None

def find_ref_for_deletion(cs_tag_split: list[str], idx: int) -> str:
    ref = deque([cs_tag_split[idx][1:].upper()])
    idx_ref = idx - 1
    while idx_ref >= 0:
        cs = cs_tag_split[idx_ref]
        if cs.startswith("="):
        if cs.startswith("*"):
        idx_ref -= 1
    return "".join(ref)

def get_variant_annotations(cs_tag_split: list[str], position: int) -> list[Vcf]:
    variant_annotations = []
    pos = position
    for idx, cs in enumerate(cs_tag_split):
        if cs.startswith("="):
            pos += len(cs) - 1
        elif cs.startswith("*"):
            ref, alt = cs[1].upper(), cs[2].upper()
            variant_annotations.append(Vcf(pos=pos, ref=ref, alt=alt))
            pos += 1
        elif cs.startswith("+"):
            ref = find_ref_for_insertion(cs_tag_split, idx)
            alt = ref + cs[1:].upper()
            variant_annotations.append(Vcf(pos=pos - 1, ref=ref, alt=alt))
        elif cs.startswith("-"):
            ref = find_ref_for_deletion(cs_tag_split, idx)
            variant_annotations.append(Vcf(pos=pos - 1, ref=ref, alt=ref[0]))
        elif cs.startswith("~"):

    return variant_annotations

# Format the cs tags

def get_pos_end(cs_tag: str, pos: int) -> int:
    """Get 1-index end positions"""
    pos_end = pos - 1
    for cs in split(cs_tag):
        if cs[0] in ["=", "-"]:
            pos_end += len(cs) - 1
        if cs[0] == "*":
            pos_end += 1
    return pos_end

def format_cs_tags(cs_tags: list[str], chroms: list[str] | list[int], positions: list[int]) -> list[CsInfo]:
    """Format and filter cs_tags, and create a list of CsInfo objects.

    This function takes lists of cs_tags, chromosomes, and positions. It filters
    out any cs_tags containing a tilde ("~") and creates a list of CsInfo objects.

        cs_tags (list[str]): List of cs_tags as strings.
        chroms (list[str] | list[int]): List of chromosomes as strings or integers.
        positions (list[int]): List of starting positions as integers.

        list[CsInfo]: A list of CsInfo objects, each containing information about
        a cs_tag, its chromosome, and its start and end positions.

    # Convert all chromosomes to string type
    chroms = [str(chrom) for chrom in chroms]
    # Create a list of CsInfo objects, filtering out any with a splicing ("~") in the cs_tag
    cs_info_list = [
        CsInfo(cs_tag=cs, chrom=chrom, pos_start=pos, pos_end=get_pos_end(cs, pos))
        for cs, chrom, pos in zip(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
        if "~" not in cs
    return cs_info_list

# Group by chrom and overlapping intervals

def group_by_chrom(cs_tags_formatted: list[tuple]) -> dict[str, tuple]:
    """Group cs tags by chromosomes"""
    cs_tags_grouped = defaultdict(list)
    for cs in cs_tags_formatted:
            CsInfo(cs_tag=cs.cs_tag, pos_start=cs.pos_start, pos_end=cs.pos_end, chrom=cs.chrom)
    return dict(cs_tags_grouped)

def group_by_overlapping_intervals(cs_tags_grouped: CsInfo) -> list[CsInfo]:
    # Sort the list by the starting point
    sorted_data = sorted(cs_tags_grouped, key=lambda x: x.pos_start)
    # Initialize the list of grouped intervals
    grouped_intervals = []
    # Initialize the first group with the first element
    current_group = [sorted_data[0]]
    # Loop through the sorted list starting from the second element
    for i in range(1, len(sorted_data)):
        overlaps = False
        for j in current_group:
            # Check if the intervals overlap
            if sorted_data[i].pos_start <= j.pos_end and sorted_data[i].pos_end >= j.pos_start:
                overlaps = True
        if overlaps:
            # Add the interval to the current group
            # Add the current group to the list of grouped intervals
            # Start a new group
            current_group = [sorted_data[i]]
    # Add the last group to the list of grouped intervals

    return grouped_intervals

# Add VCF info

def replace_mutation_to_atmark(cs_tags: str) -> str:
    """Replaces mutations with '@'."""
    return "".join(cs if cs in {"A", "C", "G", "T"} else "@" for cs in cs_tags)

def call_reference_depth(variant_annotations, cs_tags_list, positions_list) -> dict[tuple(str, int), int]:
    cs_tags_normalized_length = normalize_read_lengths(cs_tags_list, positions_list)
    cs_replaced = [replace_mutation_to_atmark(cs_tags) for cs_tags in cs_tags_normalized_length]

    reference_depth = defaultdict(int)
    unique_variants = set(variant_annotations)
    for v in unique_variants:
        v_idx = v.pos - min(positions_list)
        for cs in cs_replaced:
            if v.ref == cs[v_idx : v_idx + len(v.ref)]:
                reference_depth[(v.ref, v.pos)] += 1

    return dict(reference_depth)

def add_vcf_fields(
    variant_annotations: list[Vcf], chrom: str, reference_depth: dict[tuple(str, int), int]
) -> list[Vcf]:
    """Add Chrom and VCF info (AD, RD, DP, and VAF) to immutable Vcf dataclass"""
    variant_counter = Counter((v.pos, v.ref, v.alt) for v in variant_annotations)

    updated_annotations = []
    for v in set(variant_annotations):
        ad = variant_counter[(v.pos, v.ref, v.alt)]
        rd = reference_depth.get((v.ref, v.pos), 0)
        dp = rd + ad
        vaf = round(ad / dp, 3) if dp else 0

        # Creating a new VcfInfo object
        updated_info = VcfInfo(dp=dp, rd=rd, ad=ad, vaf=vaf)

        # Creating a new Vcf object
        updated_variant = Vcf(chrom=chrom, pos=v.pos, ref=v.ref, alt=v.alt, info=updated_info)


    return updated_annotations

# Process cs tag (One)

def process_cs_tag(cs_tag: str, chrom: str | int, pos: int) -> str:
    chrom = str(chrom)

    cs_tag_split = split(cs_tag)

    # Call POS, REF, ALT
    variants = get_variant_annotations(cs_tag_split, pos)

    # Write VCF
    HEADER = "##fileformat=VCFv4.2\n#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n"
    vcf = remove_spaces_around_newlines(HEADER).strip().split("\n")
    for v in variants:

    return "\n".join(vcf)

# Process cs tags (Many)

def chrom_sort_key(chrom: str) -> int:
    """Convert a chromosome string to an integer for sorting."""
    return int(chrom.replace("chr", ""))

def process_cs_tags(cs_tags: list[str], chroms: list[str], positions: list[int]) -> str:
    # validate inputs
    _ = [validate_cs_tag(cs_tag) for cs_tag in cs_tags]
    _ = [validate_long_format(cs_tag) for cs_tag in cs_tags]
    _ = [validate_pos(pos) for pos in positions]

    cs_tags_formatted = format_cs_tags(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
    cs_tags_grouped_by_chrom = group_by_chrom(cs_tags_formatted)

    vcf_info = []
    for chrom, cs_tags_grouped in cs_tags_grouped_by_chrom.items():
        for csinfo in group_by_overlapping_intervals(cs_tags_grouped):
            cs_tags_list = [cs.cs_tag for cs in csinfo]
            positions_list = [cs.pos_start for cs in csinfo]
            variant_annotations = [
                get_variant_annotations(split(cs), pos) for cs, pos in zip(cs_tags_list, positions_list)
            variant_annotations = list(chain.from_iterable(variant_annotations))
            if not variant_annotations:
            reference_depth = call_reference_depth(variant_annotations, cs_tags_list, positions_list)
            vcf_info += add_vcf_fields(variant_annotations, chrom, reference_depth)

    # Sort by chrom and pos
    variants = sorted(vcf_info, key=lambda x: (chrom_sort_key(x.chrom), x.pos))

    # Write VCF
    HEADER = """##fileformat=VCFv4.2
    ##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
    ##INFO=<ID=RD,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth of Ref allele">
    ##INFO=<ID=AD,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth of Alt allele">
    ##INFO=<ID=VAF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Variant allele frequency (AD/DP)">

    vcf = remove_spaces_around_newlines(HEADER).strip().split("\n")
    for v in variants:

    return "\n".join(vcf)

# main

def to_vcf(cs_tags: str | list[str], chroms: str | int | list[str] | list[int], positions: int | list[int]) -> str:
    Convert cs tag(s) to VCF (Variant Call Format) string.

        cs_tag (str | list[str]): The cs tag representing the sequence alignment.
        chrom (str | list[str]): The chromosome name.
        pos (int | list[int]): The starting position for the sequence.

        str: The VCF-formatted string.
        >>> import cstag
        >>> cs_tag = "=AC*gt=T-gg=C+tt=A"
        >>> chrom = "chr1"
        >>> pos = 1
        >>> print(cstag.to_vcf(cs_tag, chrom, pos))
        #CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO
        chr1    3       .       G       T       .       .       .
        chr1    4       .       TGG     T       .       .       .
        chr1    5       .       C       CTT     .       .       .
    if isinstance(cs_tags, str):
        return process_cs_tag(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
    elif isinstance(cs_tags, list):
        return process_cs_tags(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
        raise TypeError(f"cs_tags must be str or list, not {type(cs_tags)}")


def add_vcf_fields(variant_annotations: list[Vcf], chrom: str, reference_depth: dict[tuple(str, int), int]) ‑> list[Vcf]

Add Chrom and VCF info (AD, RD, DP, and VAF) to immutable Vcf dataclass

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def add_vcf_fields(
    variant_annotations: list[Vcf], chrom: str, reference_depth: dict[tuple(str, int), int]
) -> list[Vcf]:
    """Add Chrom and VCF info (AD, RD, DP, and VAF) to immutable Vcf dataclass"""
    variant_counter = Counter((v.pos, v.ref, v.alt) for v in variant_annotations)

    updated_annotations = []
    for v in set(variant_annotations):
        ad = variant_counter[(v.pos, v.ref, v.alt)]
        rd = reference_depth.get((v.ref, v.pos), 0)
        dp = rd + ad
        vaf = round(ad / dp, 3) if dp else 0

        # Creating a new VcfInfo object
        updated_info = VcfInfo(dp=dp, rd=rd, ad=ad, vaf=vaf)

        # Creating a new Vcf object
        updated_variant = Vcf(chrom=chrom, pos=v.pos, ref=v.ref, alt=v.alt, info=updated_info)


    return updated_annotations
def call_reference_depth(variant_annotations, cs_tags_list, positions_list) ‑> dict[tuple(str, int), int]
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def call_reference_depth(variant_annotations, cs_tags_list, positions_list) -> dict[tuple(str, int), int]:
    cs_tags_normalized_length = normalize_read_lengths(cs_tags_list, positions_list)
    cs_replaced = [replace_mutation_to_atmark(cs_tags) for cs_tags in cs_tags_normalized_length]

    reference_depth = defaultdict(int)
    unique_variants = set(variant_annotations)
    for v in unique_variants:
        v_idx = v.pos - min(positions_list)
        for cs in cs_replaced:
            if v.ref == cs[v_idx : v_idx + len(v.ref)]:
                reference_depth[(v.ref, v.pos)] += 1

    return dict(reference_depth)
def chrom_sort_key(chrom: str) ‑> int

Convert a chromosome string to an integer for sorting.

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def chrom_sort_key(chrom: str) -> int:
    """Convert a chromosome string to an integer for sorting."""
    return int(chrom.replace("chr", ""))
def find_ref_for_deletion(cs_tag_split: list[str], idx: int) ‑> str
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def find_ref_for_deletion(cs_tag_split: list[str], idx: int) -> str:
    ref = deque([cs_tag_split[idx][1:].upper()])
    idx_ref = idx - 1
    while idx_ref >= 0:
        cs = cs_tag_split[idx_ref]
        if cs.startswith("="):
        if cs.startswith("*"):
        idx_ref -= 1
    return "".join(ref)
def find_ref_for_insertion(cs_tag_split: list[str], idx: int) ‑> str | None
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def find_ref_for_insertion(cs_tag_split: list[str], idx: int) -> str | None:
    idx_ref = idx - 1
    while idx_ref >= 0:
        cs = cs_tag_split[idx_ref]
        if cs[0] in ["=", "-"]:
            return cs[-1].upper()
        if cs.startswith("*"):
            return cs[1].upper()
        idx_ref -= 1
    return None
def format_cs_tags(cs_tags: list[str], chroms: list[str] | list[int], positions: list[int]) ‑> list[CsInfo]

Format and filter cs_tags, and create a list of CsInfo objects.

This function takes lists of cs_tags, chromosomes, and positions. It filters out any cs_tags containing a tilde ("~") and creates a list of CsInfo objects.


cs_tags : list[str]
List of cs_tags as strings.
chroms (list[str] | list[int]): List of chromosomes as strings or integers.
positions : list[int]
List of starting positions as integers.


A list of CsInfo objects, each containing information about

a cs_tag, its chromosome, and its start and end positions.

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def format_cs_tags(cs_tags: list[str], chroms: list[str] | list[int], positions: list[int]) -> list[CsInfo]:
    """Format and filter cs_tags, and create a list of CsInfo objects.

    This function takes lists of cs_tags, chromosomes, and positions. It filters
    out any cs_tags containing a tilde ("~") and creates a list of CsInfo objects.

        cs_tags (list[str]): List of cs_tags as strings.
        chroms (list[str] | list[int]): List of chromosomes as strings or integers.
        positions (list[int]): List of starting positions as integers.

        list[CsInfo]: A list of CsInfo objects, each containing information about
        a cs_tag, its chromosome, and its start and end positions.

    # Convert all chromosomes to string type
    chroms = [str(chrom) for chrom in chroms]
    # Create a list of CsInfo objects, filtering out any with a splicing ("~") in the cs_tag
    cs_info_list = [
        CsInfo(cs_tag=cs, chrom=chrom, pos_start=pos, pos_end=get_pos_end(cs, pos))
        for cs, chrom, pos in zip(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
        if "~" not in cs
    return cs_info_list
def get_pos_end(cs_tag: str, pos: int) ‑> int

Get 1-index end positions

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def get_pos_end(cs_tag: str, pos: int) -> int:
    """Get 1-index end positions"""
    pos_end = pos - 1
    for cs in split(cs_tag):
        if cs[0] in ["=", "-"]:
            pos_end += len(cs) - 1
        if cs[0] == "*":
            pos_end += 1
    return pos_end
def get_variant_annotations(cs_tag_split: list[str], position: int) ‑> list[Vcf]
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def get_variant_annotations(cs_tag_split: list[str], position: int) -> list[Vcf]:
    variant_annotations = []
    pos = position
    for idx, cs in enumerate(cs_tag_split):
        if cs.startswith("="):
            pos += len(cs) - 1
        elif cs.startswith("*"):
            ref, alt = cs[1].upper(), cs[2].upper()
            variant_annotations.append(Vcf(pos=pos, ref=ref, alt=alt))
            pos += 1
        elif cs.startswith("+"):
            ref = find_ref_for_insertion(cs_tag_split, idx)
            alt = ref + cs[1:].upper()
            variant_annotations.append(Vcf(pos=pos - 1, ref=ref, alt=alt))
        elif cs.startswith("-"):
            ref = find_ref_for_deletion(cs_tag_split, idx)
            variant_annotations.append(Vcf(pos=pos - 1, ref=ref, alt=ref[0]))
        elif cs.startswith("~"):

    return variant_annotations
def group_by_chrom(cs_tags_formatted: list[tuple]) ‑> dict[str, tuple]

Group cs tags by chromosomes

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def group_by_chrom(cs_tags_formatted: list[tuple]) -> dict[str, tuple]:
    """Group cs tags by chromosomes"""
    cs_tags_grouped = defaultdict(list)
    for cs in cs_tags_formatted:
            CsInfo(cs_tag=cs.cs_tag, pos_start=cs.pos_start, pos_end=cs.pos_end, chrom=cs.chrom)
    return dict(cs_tags_grouped)
def group_by_overlapping_intervals(cs_tags_grouped: CsInfo) ‑> list[CsInfo]
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def group_by_overlapping_intervals(cs_tags_grouped: CsInfo) -> list[CsInfo]:
    # Sort the list by the starting point
    sorted_data = sorted(cs_tags_grouped, key=lambda x: x.pos_start)
    # Initialize the list of grouped intervals
    grouped_intervals = []
    # Initialize the first group with the first element
    current_group = [sorted_data[0]]
    # Loop through the sorted list starting from the second element
    for i in range(1, len(sorted_data)):
        overlaps = False
        for j in current_group:
            # Check if the intervals overlap
            if sorted_data[i].pos_start <= j.pos_end and sorted_data[i].pos_end >= j.pos_start:
                overlaps = True
        if overlaps:
            # Add the interval to the current group
            # Add the current group to the list of grouped intervals
            # Start a new group
            current_group = [sorted_data[i]]
    # Add the last group to the list of grouped intervals

    return grouped_intervals
def process_cs_tag(cs_tag: str, chrom: str | int, pos: int) ‑> str
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def process_cs_tag(cs_tag: str, chrom: str | int, pos: int) -> str:
    chrom = str(chrom)

    cs_tag_split = split(cs_tag)

    # Call POS, REF, ALT
    variants = get_variant_annotations(cs_tag_split, pos)

    # Write VCF
    HEADER = "##fileformat=VCFv4.2\n#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n"
    vcf = remove_spaces_around_newlines(HEADER).strip().split("\n")
    for v in variants:

    return "\n".join(vcf)
def process_cs_tags(cs_tags: list[str], chroms: list[str], positions: list[int]) ‑> str
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def process_cs_tags(cs_tags: list[str], chroms: list[str], positions: list[int]) -> str:
    # validate inputs
    _ = [validate_cs_tag(cs_tag) for cs_tag in cs_tags]
    _ = [validate_long_format(cs_tag) for cs_tag in cs_tags]
    _ = [validate_pos(pos) for pos in positions]

    cs_tags_formatted = format_cs_tags(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
    cs_tags_grouped_by_chrom = group_by_chrom(cs_tags_formatted)

    vcf_info = []
    for chrom, cs_tags_grouped in cs_tags_grouped_by_chrom.items():
        for csinfo in group_by_overlapping_intervals(cs_tags_grouped):
            cs_tags_list = [cs.cs_tag for cs in csinfo]
            positions_list = [cs.pos_start for cs in csinfo]
            variant_annotations = [
                get_variant_annotations(split(cs), pos) for cs, pos in zip(cs_tags_list, positions_list)
            variant_annotations = list(chain.from_iterable(variant_annotations))
            if not variant_annotations:
            reference_depth = call_reference_depth(variant_annotations, cs_tags_list, positions_list)
            vcf_info += add_vcf_fields(variant_annotations, chrom, reference_depth)

    # Sort by chrom and pos
    variants = sorted(vcf_info, key=lambda x: (chrom_sort_key(x.chrom), x.pos))

    # Write VCF
    HEADER = """##fileformat=VCFv4.2
    ##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
    ##INFO=<ID=RD,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth of Ref allele">
    ##INFO=<ID=AD,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth of Alt allele">
    ##INFO=<ID=VAF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Variant allele frequency (AD/DP)">

    vcf = remove_spaces_around_newlines(HEADER).strip().split("\n")
    for v in variants:

    return "\n".join(vcf)
def remove_spaces_around_newlines(text: str) ‑> str
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def remove_spaces_around_newlines(text: str) -> str:
    return re.sub(r"\s*\n\s*", "\n", text)
def replace_mutation_to_atmark(cs_tags: str) ‑> str

Replaces mutations with '@'.

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def replace_mutation_to_atmark(cs_tags: str) -> str:
    """Replaces mutations with '@'."""
    return "".join(cs if cs in {"A", "C", "G", "T"} else "@" for cs in cs_tags)
def to_vcf(cs_tags: str | list[str], chroms: str | int | list[str] | list[int], positions: int | list[int]) ‑> str

Convert cs tag(s) to VCF (Variant Call Format) string.


cs_tag (str | list[str]): The cs tag representing the sequence alignment. chrom (str | list[str]): The chromosome name. pos (int | list[int]): The starting position for the sequence.


The VCF-formatted string.


>>> import cstag
>>> cs_tag = "=AC*gt=T-gg=C+tt=A"
>>> chrom = "chr1"
>>> pos = 1
>>> print(cstag.to_vcf(cs_tag, chrom, pos))
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO
chr1    3       .       G       T       .       .       .
chr1    4       .       TGG     T       .       .       .
chr1    5       .       C       CTT     .       .       .
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def to_vcf(cs_tags: str | list[str], chroms: str | int | list[str] | list[int], positions: int | list[int]) -> str:
    Convert cs tag(s) to VCF (Variant Call Format) string.

        cs_tag (str | list[str]): The cs tag representing the sequence alignment.
        chrom (str | list[str]): The chromosome name.
        pos (int | list[int]): The starting position for the sequence.

        str: The VCF-formatted string.
        >>> import cstag
        >>> cs_tag = "=AC*gt=T-gg=C+tt=A"
        >>> chrom = "chr1"
        >>> pos = 1
        >>> print(cstag.to_vcf(cs_tag, chrom, pos))
        #CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO
        chr1    3       .       G       T       .       .       .
        chr1    4       .       TGG     T       .       .       .
        chr1    5       .       C       CTT     .       .       .
    if isinstance(cs_tags, str):
        return process_cs_tag(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
    elif isinstance(cs_tags, list):
        return process_cs_tags(cs_tags, chroms, positions)
        raise TypeError(f"cs_tags must be str or list, not {type(cs_tags)}")


class CsInfo (cs_tag: str, pos_start: int, pos_end: int, chrom: str | None = None)

CsInfo(cs_tag: 'str', pos_start: 'int', pos_end: 'int', chrom: 'str | None' = None)

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class CsInfo:
    cs_tag: str
    pos_start: int
    pos_end: int
    chrom: str | None = None

Class variables

var chrom : str | None
var cs_tag : str
var pos_end : int
var pos_start : int
class Vcf (chrom: str | None = None, pos: int | None = None, ref: str | None = None, alt: str | None = None, info: VcfInfo = VcfInfo(dp=None, rd=None, ad=None, vaf=None))

Vcf(chrom: 'str | None' = None, pos: 'int | None' = None, ref: 'str | None' = None, alt: 'str | None' = None, info: 'VcfInfo' = VcfInfo(dp=None, rd=None, ad=None, vaf=None))

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class Vcf:
    chrom: str | None = None
    pos: int | None = None
    ref: str | None = None
    alt: str | None = None
    info: VcfInfo = VcfInfo()

Class variables

var alt : str | None
var chrom : str | None
var infoVcfInfo
var pos : int | None
var ref : str | None
class VcfInfo (dp: int | None = None, rd: int | None = None, ad: int | None = None, vaf: float | None = None)

VcfInfo(dp: 'int | None' = None, rd: 'int | None' = None, ad: 'int | None' = None, vaf: 'float | None' = None)

Expand source code
class VcfInfo:
    dp: int | None = None
    rd: int | None = None
    ad: int | None = None
    vaf: float | None = None

Class variables

var ad : int | None
var dp : int | None
var rd : int | None
var vaf : float | None